Hello and welcome dear Readers to our blog: BEYOND THE ILLUSIONARY VEIL: A Real life Story Of Illuminati Born SRA Survivor Robert Vandriest-Mitchell. The following that you gonna read, it's the story of a SRA-DID survivors by name of Robert. His story will covers a wide variety of subjects seen his life experiences in childhood and adulthood, and seen his family's multi-generational Illuminati background and involvement....
Ohh btw I am Taylor, i am one of the two main Protectors of Robert.
Robert was born into a full multi
generational Illuminati family on both side, that goes back for hundreds and hundreds of
years. Even hundreds of years before both side came over from England between
1620-1630's with the Mayflower. , as they arrived [at the shores of Virginia] came
as High [Free] Masons on the level of 33rd degree Free-masonry, as
they been called Grand masters.
current photo of Robert.
Robert was born in 1964, March 27th,
12.30pm, some twelve miles due east of Montauk Point, Long Island. See the
synchronicity of Robert's later involvement from age of six with the Montauk
Project. On the flight from Europe with his mum flew a few Company Exec with
her back home. When she delivered Robert in mid-air, when they landed in New York
airport they made further arrangements for the infant of Robert to be
transported to Southern California, where he ended up in a Military Hospital due
North-East of L.A.,
Robert started his insidious programming after
birth. Even in how Robert was born was part of his programming to split up his
infant mind. As he was born in mid air, some 12 miles due east of Point Montauk
[see his later Montauk Project involvement], Long Island. Robert was born four a five weeks to early with a weight of less than 1489 grams what is less than 3lb in weight.
Robert's very first memory on this was that he was pushed out, from a serene warm watery surrounding [the womb] into a very cold and terribly noisy surrounding. Its hard to comprehend how this must have a effect on the underdeveloped brain. Robert was further flown by arrangement of his Mum's employer's Northdrop Exec to Ca, were he ended up in a hospital in a incubator for another four a six weeks. It was a Military Hospital. Robert was never told in what exact hospital he was in. Also throughout his life, he was never told on matters what Blood type etc he had. He was told every time they couldn't say, what’s quite odd to say the least.
Robert's very first memory on this was that he was pushed out, from a serene warm watery surrounding [the womb] into a very cold and terribly noisy surrounding. Its hard to comprehend how this must have a effect on the underdeveloped brain. Robert was further flown by arrangement of his Mum's employer's Northdrop Exec to Ca, were he ended up in a hospital in a incubator for another four a six weeks. It was a Military Hospital. Robert was never told in what exact hospital he was in. Also throughout his life, he was never told on matters what Blood type etc he had. He was told every time they couldn't say, what’s quite odd to say the least.
Seen in comparison to other survivors Robert is just an a newby. His internal system imploded in December 2012, that made him aware of who and what he was and what has happened in part, and he finally found the strength to step out of Illuminati in July-August 2013 in part through a courageous woman by name of Jeanne M. What gave Robert also the hope to step out, was the writings he came across in 2011 of a woman by the name of Svali, she was another Illuminati defector, that now lives in deep hiding unfortunately, but without her Robert and others never would have found their way to escape and get free out of bondage, God bless her.
The roots of Robert family tree [Celtic and Bavarian] is quite interesting to say the least. From his mum’s side The Harrington’s and Father’s side Mitchell [altho their have been some changes in names over the centuries to hide their connections], has quite some interesting links toward other families over the last 600 a 800 years. From his father’s links they have links to the Bauers [out whom the later Rothchild' s came forth], also the current Bush family has a still lineage to the Bauers family aswell and the Windsors, who also has a link to the Bauers. From his mum side they have lines to the Duponds, Sinclairs and Collins families, quite a heavy brew to say the least, those our just a few names to call off. Although this is quite standard within Illuminati Circles i must say!!
Robert being born into The Family [slang for Illiminati born insiders], is now what they term an Illuminati Defector, or in their eyes of ofcourse a Traitor... But we have now a new master, who is Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen!!
Robert just by starting his journey in recovering his memories about who and what he was still has a long way to go, but with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will make it through and ofcourse his former Masters within Illuminati and their Masters that of the Fallen Angels and their Master Satan, wont gonna like it, but its now time to come forward,. Hopefully Robert's coming Out could propel others from Coming Out themselves. We hoping that Robert's story and journey [as a way shower] will give others the strength in doing the same, with their pieces of the puzzle, like our Robert.
My hope with this blog is that it will inspire other SRA-DID survivors in coming forward with their own story, in what have happened to them, no matter what their background is. In Robert's case Ur Father choose this particular family i don't know the reason, not that it does matter!! But Ur Father's hope is that Robert's case will help and benefit other survivors by giving them strength and courage to come forward, so that we can end this type of crimes against humanity and set them free....
Time is running short in Ur Father's / God's time line for Satan, what runs out around 2024. In a way we're lucky that we're dealing with 3 main factions of Illuminati and not one, as they're now locked up in a proxy war among themselves. Illuminati Faction I: The Rockerfellor Faction I [Neo-Christians], Illuminati Faction II: The Rothschild Faction II [Old European Luciferians] and as last Illuminati Faction III: The Romanov Faction aka New Kremlin Faction [they call themselves Neo Orthodox Christians], they now also went in alliance with The Asian Secret Society Network. Those are for now the 3 main factions within the Illuminati circles. Factions I and II using both same Luciferian / Satanic Methods in reaching their goals. Factions I and II are now operating in a truce, in order to defeat faction III. Robert's whole family is from Faction II. The fractured nature of the Illuminati is also related to the same fractured nature among the various Fallen Angel Collectives. As the saying goes: So Above, So Below.
This will be the first as a Intro, i will talk on a merit of subjects in future times, on numerous things that our Robert was exposed to as since very young age, aswell he was trained within Illuminati for so well the physical and non-physical realms. He interacted with what is known in the New Age Circles as Ascended Masters, who re not as Ascended as they let the New Age Folks to belief, as in reality they're part of the Fallen Angelic Collectives. They're the same one that the physical manifestation here on Earth in form of Illuminati takes its orders from. I am now serious and not kidding in case some folks out there would maybe think of....
There will be a future follow-up on this intro. For now this was just a small intro on our core [personality] Robert and his background. I probably could write 10 plus pages on it. But for future we have much more to discuss and we will create many more pages. I hope that in future days you readers get something out of it and for other SRA-DID victims i hope you get some courage to come forward with your own stories, solong more and more comes forward, the harder it will be for our former masters not only to hide their hideous crimes against us, but also against humanity.
Ohh one last thing, as we now talking about alot of Super soldiers who seems to claim that they have healed from the structured Satanic Rituals Abuse. I got news for you people, please don't fall for this bullshit, as no one can be healed or saved from this without the help of our Eternal Heavenly Father, amen!! Especiallly when alot of Super Soldiers also talking on matters of New Age Concept's, that's a major Red haring that they still running a deep Mk-Ultra Programming. Please Readers don't fall for this as no Mk-ultra victim can't heal without the help and guidance of our Heavenly father and his Son Jesus Christ, amen!!!
Final thing here is an interesting link:
When you scroll to the middle of this site, you find - Additional Audio Messages on SRA DID cases by Pastor Douglas Riggs. It's great audio files with great audio / sound quality. I hope that you readers will enjoy and learn whats been said on those audio files. Here below is a few pieces from the site above, enjoy!!
See below a few Video Representations:
I hope you will enjoy them and be enrich on the subject, including on a spiritual level of this.
For now i want to leave it with this, and i will be back soon, thanks for your attention in reading this and i hope u will share what you may have learned from this to others, if so than Robert's suffering hasn't been for nothing.
Have all a nice and safe week ahead and till next time.
Yours Truly:
The roots of Robert family tree [Celtic and Bavarian] is quite interesting to say the least. From his mum’s side The Harrington’s and Father’s side Mitchell [altho their have been some changes in names over the centuries to hide their connections], has quite some interesting links toward other families over the last 600 a 800 years. From his father’s links they have links to the Bauers [out whom the later Rothchild' s came forth], also the current Bush family has a still lineage to the Bauers family aswell and the Windsors, who also has a link to the Bauers. From his mum side they have lines to the Duponds, Sinclairs and Collins families, quite a heavy brew to say the least, those our just a few names to call off. Although this is quite standard within Illuminati Circles i must say!!
Robert being born into The Family [slang for Illiminati born insiders], is now what they term an Illuminati Defector, or in their eyes of ofcourse a Traitor... But we have now a new master, who is Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen!!
Robert just by starting his journey in recovering his memories about who and what he was still has a long way to go, but with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will make it through and ofcourse his former Masters within Illuminati and their Masters that of the Fallen Angels and their Master Satan, wont gonna like it, but its now time to come forward,. Hopefully Robert's coming Out could propel others from Coming Out themselves. We hoping that Robert's story and journey [as a way shower] will give others the strength in doing the same, with their pieces of the puzzle, like our Robert.
My hope with this blog is that it will inspire other SRA-DID survivors in coming forward with their own story, in what have happened to them, no matter what their background is. In Robert's case Ur Father choose this particular family i don't know the reason, not that it does matter!! But Ur Father's hope is that Robert's case will help and benefit other survivors by giving them strength and courage to come forward, so that we can end this type of crimes against humanity and set them free....
Time is running short in Ur Father's / God's time line for Satan, what runs out around 2024. In a way we're lucky that we're dealing with 3 main factions of Illuminati and not one, as they're now locked up in a proxy war among themselves. Illuminati Faction I: The Rockerfellor Faction I [Neo-Christians], Illuminati Faction II: The Rothschild Faction II [Old European Luciferians] and as last Illuminati Faction III: The Romanov Faction aka New Kremlin Faction [they call themselves Neo Orthodox Christians], they now also went in alliance with The Asian Secret Society Network. Those are for now the 3 main factions within the Illuminati circles. Factions I and II using both same Luciferian / Satanic Methods in reaching their goals. Factions I and II are now operating in a truce, in order to defeat faction III. Robert's whole family is from Faction II. The fractured nature of the Illuminati is also related to the same fractured nature among the various Fallen Angel Collectives. As the saying goes: So Above, So Below.
This will be the first as a Intro, i will talk on a merit of subjects in future times, on numerous things that our Robert was exposed to as since very young age, aswell he was trained within Illuminati for so well the physical and non-physical realms. He interacted with what is known in the New Age Circles as Ascended Masters, who re not as Ascended as they let the New Age Folks to belief, as in reality they're part of the Fallen Angelic Collectives. They're the same one that the physical manifestation here on Earth in form of Illuminati takes its orders from. I am now serious and not kidding in case some folks out there would maybe think of....
There will be a future follow-up on this intro. For now this was just a small intro on our core [personality] Robert and his background. I probably could write 10 plus pages on it. But for future we have much more to discuss and we will create many more pages. I hope that in future days you readers get something out of it and for other SRA-DID victims i hope you get some courage to come forward with your own stories, solong more and more comes forward, the harder it will be for our former masters not only to hide their hideous crimes against us, but also against humanity.
Ohh one last thing, as we now talking about alot of Super soldiers who seems to claim that they have healed from the structured Satanic Rituals Abuse. I got news for you people, please don't fall for this bullshit, as no one can be healed or saved from this without the help of our Eternal Heavenly Father, amen!! Especiallly when alot of Super Soldiers also talking on matters of New Age Concept's, that's a major Red haring that they still running a deep Mk-Ultra Programming. Please Readers don't fall for this as no Mk-ultra victim can't heal without the help and guidance of our Heavenly father and his Son Jesus Christ, amen!!!
Final thing here is an interesting link:
When you scroll to the middle of this site, you find - Additional Audio Messages on SRA DID cases by Pastor Douglas Riggs. It's great audio files with great audio / sound quality. I hope that you readers will enjoy and learn whats been said on those audio files. Here below is a few pieces from the site above, enjoy!!
See below a few Video Representations:
I hope you will enjoy them and be enrich on the subject, including on a spiritual level of this.
For now i want to leave it with this, and i will be back soon, thanks for your attention in reading this and i hope u will share what you may have learned from this to others, if so than Robert's suffering hasn't been for nothing.
Have all a nice and safe week ahead and till next time.
Yours Truly: